1. A. Baklavaridis, I. Zuburtikudis, (2013),Polyolefin-Based Nanocomposites: The Role of Compatibilizer on the Mechanical Properties of WS2 Nanotubes-Reinforced Polypropylene’, American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Meeting, 3-8 November, 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA.
  2. A. Cao E., I. Zuburtikudis, A. Gavriilidis (2012), “Oxidation of Rosalva to Costenal on Silver Catalyst in Microstructured Reactors”, submitted and accepted for oral presentation in ISCRE 22 (International Symposium of Chemical Reaction Engineering), 2-5 September 2012, Maastricht, The NETHERLANDS.
  3. A. Baklavaridis, I. Zuburtikudis, Panagiotidou E., Marras S., C. Panayiotou (2011), “Nanocomposite porous materials consisting of polymer blends and montmorillonite for tissue engineering applications”, Proceedings of the 8th Panhellenic Scientific Chemical Engineering Congress (in Greek), CD ROM, 26-27 May 2011, Thessaloniki, GREECE. (oral presentation)
  4. E. Panagiotidou, I. Zuburtikudis, P. Mitlianga, C. Konidaris, C. Giannakis, B. Boudioukos, Achilias D. (2011), “Biodegradability of nanocomposites with a Poly(3-hydroxy-butyric acid) matrix and layered aluminosilicate minerals as nano-reinforcement.”, Proceedings of the 8th Panhellenic Scientific Chemical Engineering Congress (in Greek), CD ROM, 26-27 May 2011, Thessaloniki, GREECE. (oral presentation)
  5. E. Panagiotidou, Kroustalli A., Baklavaridis A., Marras S., I. Zuburtikudis, Achilias D., Deligianni D. (2011), “Nanocomposites of Poly(3-hydroxy-butyric acid) with layered aluminosilicate minerals: Characterization and Biocompatibility”, Proceedings of the 8th Panhellenic Scientific Chemical Engineering Congress (in Greek), CD ROM, 26-27 May 2011, Thessaloniki, GREECE. (oral presentation)
  6. A. Tsimpliaraki, S.I Marras, P. Manoudis, I. Zuburtikudis, C. Panayiotou, (2010), "Pre- and post-spinning characterization of polymer/clay nanocomposites", in Proceedings of the 4th International Technical Textiles Congress, (pgs 14-25), 16-18 May 2010, Istanbul, TURKEY
  7. A.Tsimpliaraki, P. Manoudis, S.I Marras, I. Zuburtikudis, (2010), "Surface topography of nanocomposite fibrous electrospun mats using AFM", in Proceedings of the 4th International Technical Textiles Congress, (pgs 45-55), 16-18 May 2010, Istanbul, TURKEY
  8. A. Tsimpliaraki, I. Zuburtikudis, S.I. Marras, C. Panayiotou, (2009), “Optimizing the nanofibrous structure of non-woven mats of electrospun bio-degradable polymer nanocomposites, in Proceedings of 6th international Conference on Textile and Polymer Biotechnology, 23-25/9/2009, Ghent, BELGIUM
  9. I. Zuburtikudis, S.I. Marras, E. Panayotidou, K. Tornikidou, (2009), ”Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate)/silicate caly nanocomposites: Preparation through melt extrusion and characterization”, (in Greek: ,“Παραγωγή Νανοσύνθετων Υλικών Πολυ(3-Υδροξυβουτυρικού Οξεός)/Πολυστρωματικών Ορυκτών”), Proceedings of the 7th Panhellenic Conference of Chemical Engineers, CD ROM, 3 - 5 June 2009, Patra, GREECE.
  10. P. Manoudis, I. Karapanagiotis, A. Tsakalof, I. Zuburtikudis, C. Panayiotou, (2009), “Superhydrophobic composite films of the type polymer/nanoparticles on various substrates” (in Greek: “Υπερυδρόφοβα σύνθετα υμένια πολυμερούς-νανοσωματιδίων σε ποικίλα υποστρώματα”), Proceedings of the 7th Panhellenic Conference of Chemical Engineers, , CD ROM, 3 - 5 June 2009, Patra, GREECE.
  11. S.I. Marras, I. Zuburtikudis, E. Panayotidou, C. Panayiotou, (2009), ”Structure and Thermomechanical Response of PCL/montmorillonite: Role of the clay’s modification” (in Greek: “Δομή και Θερμομηχανική Απόκριση Νανοσύνθετων Υλικών Πολυ(ε-Καπρολακτόνης)/Μοντμοριλλονίτη: Επίδραση του Βαθμού Τροποποίησης του Ορυκτου”), Proceedings of the 7th Panhellenic Conference of Chemical Engineers, CD ROM, 3 - 5 June 2009, Patra, GREECE.
  12. S. K. Papadopoulou, C. Michailof, C. Panayiotou, I. Karapanagiotis, I. Zuburtikudis, (2009), “A physicochemical study of protective polymeric coatings for monuments” (in Greek: "Φυσικοχημική μελέτη προστατευτικών πολυμερικών επιστρώσεων μνημείων. "), Proceedings of the 7th Panhellenic Conference of Chemical Engineers, , CD ROM, 3 - 5 June 2009, Patra, GREECE.
  13. A. Tsimpliaraki, I. Zuburtikudis, S.I. Marras, C. Panayiotou, (2009), “Preparation of electrospun nanocomposite mats and optimization of their nanofibrous morphology” (in Greek: “Παραγωγή νανοσύνθετων μεμβρανών βιοαποικοδομήσιμων πολυμερών και βελτιστοποίηση της νανο-ινώδους μορφολογίας τους”), Proceedings of the 7th Panhellenic Conference of Chemical Engineers, , CD ROM, 3 - 5 June 2009, Patra, GREECE.
  14. P. Manoudis, I. Karapanagiotis, A. Tsakalof, I. Zuburtikudis and C. Panayiotou, (2008), “Super-Hydrophobic Polymer/Nanoparticle Composites For The Protection Of Marble Monuments”, 9th International Conference, Art 2008, (pg. 1-8), May 25-30 2008, Jerusalem, ISRAEL
  15. P. Manoudis, I. Karapanagiotis, A. Tsakalof, I. Zuburtikudis, K. Matziari and C. Panayiotou, (2008), “Surface properties of super-hydrophobic coatings for stone protection”, in Proceedings of Stone consolidation in cultural heritage, (pg.193-201), Artech, May 6-7 2008, Lisbon, PORTUGAL
  16. Kanapitsas, E. Logakis, C. Pandis, I. Zuburtikudis, P. Pissis and C. G Delides, (2007), ‘Dielectric and Thermomechanical Properties of Polypropylene/Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Nanocomposites’, in Proceedings of the MRS Fall Meeting, 26-30 November, 2007, Boston, MA, USA
  17. K.Vartzeli-Nikaki, V. Fotopoulos, S. Christopoulos, A. Spanoudaki, P. Pissis, I. Zuburtikudis, S. I. Marras and C. Panayiotou, (2007), ‘Crystallisation and Dielectric Properties of Poly(lactic acid)/montmorillonite Composites’, in Proceedings of the MRS Fall Meeting, 26-30 November, 2007, Boston, MA, USA
  18. P. Manoudis, A. Tsakalof, I. Karapanagiotis, I. Zuburtikudis, K. Mantziari, C. Panayitou, (2007), “A method for turning stone surfaces into superhydrophobic by polymers and nanoparticles”, (in Greek: “Μια μέθοδος υπεραδιαβροχοποίησης του λίθου με πολυμερή και νανοσωματίδια”), Conservation Meeting 2007, Lithos (Λίθος), Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki, 2 November 2007, pgs. 79-88, Thessaloniki, GREECE.
  19. Zuburtikudis I., Marras S.I, Tsimpliaraki A., “Nanocomposite materials based on Butanediol 1,4 and Succinic and Adipic acid”, (2007), Proceedings of the 6th Panhellenic Conference of Chemical Engineers, Vol. A’, (pg. 461-464), 31 May - 2 June 2007, Athens, GREECE.
  20. Tsimpliaraki A., Marras S.I, Zuburtikudis I., (2007), “Production of nanocomposite materials with a polymer matrix and phyllosilicates via solution intercalation and melt blending: A comparative study”, Proceedings of the 6th Panhellenic Conference of Chemical Engineers, Vol. A’, (pg. 465-468), 31 May - 2 June 2007, Athens, GREECE.
  21. Marras S.I, Tsimpliaraki A., Zuburtikudis I., Panayiotou C., (2007), “Surfactant’s role in the structure and thermal properties of PLA nanocomposites with phyllosilicate clays”, Proceedings of the 6th Panhellenic Conference of Chemical Engineers, Vol. A’, (pg. 237-240), 31 May - 2 June 2007, Athens, GREECE.
  22. Manoudis P., Matziari K., Panayiotou C., Karapanagiotis I., Tsakalof A., Zuburtikudis I., (2007), Creation and Evaluation of Super-Hydrophobic Surfaces for the Protection of Stone Monuments, Proceedings of the 6th Panhellenic Conference of Chemical Engineers, Vol. A’, (pp. 1245-1248), 31 May - 2 June 2007, Athens, GREECE.
  23. Marras S.I., Zuburtikudis I., Panayiotou C., (2006), A Comparison between the Thermo-Mechanical Properties of Poly(L-lactic acid)/Montmorillonite Nanocomposites and Those of the Corresponding Conventional Composites, Proceedings of the 6th Hellenic Conference on Polymers, (pp.293-295), 3-5 November 2006, Patras, GREECE.
  24. Marras S.I., Zuburtikudis I., N. Vouroutzis, N. Frangis, C. Panayiotou, (2005), “Thermal degradation and mechanical properties of biodegradable and biocompatible polymer clay nanocomposites”, 7th MEDICTA Conference, pg (68-73), 2-6 July 2005, Thessaloniki, GREECE.
  25. Tsivintzelis I., Marras S.I., Zuburtikudis I., Pavlidou E., Panayiotou C., (2005), Morphology and thermal characteristics of poly(L-lactic acid)/layered silicate nanocomposite scaffolds for tissue engineering”, 7th MEDICTA Conference, pg (103-108), 2-6 July 2005, Thessaloniki, GREECE.
  26. Marras S.I., Zuburtikudis I., Coccou S., Vouroutzis M., Frangis N., Panayiotou C., (2005), “Morphology and thermomechanical properties of nanocomposites with a biodegradable and biocompatible polymer matrix and silicate clays”, Proceedings of the 5th Panhellenic Conference of Chemical Engineering, (pg. 765-768), 26-28 May 2005, Thessaloniki, GREECE.
  27. Marras S.I., Zuburtikudis I., Karatasos K., Sicalides K., Panayiotou C., (2005), “Development of new nanocomposites with a polymer matrix which is biodegradable and biocompatible and with a reinforcement made of nanoclays”, Proceedings of the XX Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science (in Greek), (pg. 196-198), 26-29 September 2004, Ioannina, GREECE.
  28. Zuburtikudis I., (2001), "Designing “Green” Products and Processes as a means of Sustainable Development”, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Ecological Protection of the Planet Earth, Vol. 2, 5-8 June, 2001, Xanthi, GREECE.
  29. Zuburtikudis I., (2001), "A New LCA Matrix for the Design and Development of Green Products”, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Ecological Protection of the Planet Earth, Vol. 2, 5-8 June, 2001, Xanthi, GREECE.
  30. Zuburtikudis I., (2001), "Design and Fabrication of Supported-Metal Catalysts μm-Long and nm-Wide Through Solid-State Micro-Fabrication Techniques”, Proceedings of the 3rd Panhellenic Conference of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 2 , 31 May- 2 June, Athens, GREECE.
  31. Zuburtikudis I., (2001), "Use of Linear Metal Nanostructures in the Study of Size Effects of Supported-Metal Catalysts”, Proceedings of the 3rd Panhellenic Conference of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 2 , 31 May- 2 June, Athens, GREECE.
  32. Zuburtikudis Ι and. Skamagkis A, (2000), "The role of CAD tools and Automated Fabrication Systems (AFS) in product (re)design and development", Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on "Technology and Automation’’ , (ISSN: 1109-2262), October 14-16, Athens, GREECE.
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