Work Experience


Academic Professional Experience 

  •  9/2012 up to date: Professor, Dept. of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering, United Arab Emirates University (UAEU), Al Ain, UAE
  • Faculty Member, Dept. of Mechanical and Industrial Design Engineering (formerly: Dept. of Industrial Design Engineering), Technological Education Institute (T.E.I.) of Western Macedonia, Kozani, GREECE, (6/1998 – date) 
  • 9/2006 up to date: Professor, Dept. of Industrial Design Engineering, Technological Education Institute (TEI) of Western Macedonia, Kozani, Greece
  • 12/2001 up to 31-8-2006: Associate Professor, Dept. of Industrial Design Engineering, Technological Education Institute (TEI) of Western Macedonia, Kozani, Greece
  • 6/1998 up to 23-12-2001: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Industrial Design Engineering, Technological Education Institute (TEI) of Western Macedonia, Kozani, Greece
       Teaches courses: Intro to Chemical Engineering Principles (Material & Energy Balances), Engineering Thermodynamics, Mass Transfer, Materials & Design (i.e. Selection of materials in product design), Non-metallic Technical Materials, Manufacturing processes, Environmental Engineering Processes, Techno-economic Analysis/Assessment, Production Planning.
Conducts research related to nano-structured materials, mainly organic/inorganic hybrid materials such as polymer nanocomposites (production, characterization, property testing), their environmentally benign production and their use to new and/or innovative products, electrospinning, super-hydrophobic surfaces through polymer/nanoparticles. Applications of electrospun nanofibers in Chemical Reaction Engineering and Catalysis.

University Service/Leadership

Administrative positions and service for the school:

  • Head of the Industrial Design Engineering Department (2 terms, 9/1998 – 8/2002, 9/2008-d8/2012) – Responsible for the day-to-day running of the Department, hiring academic personnel, defining the Department’s educational directions and priorities (the last two duties along with the rest faculty members)
  • Student Internship Programme Responsible Professor at the Faculty "TEI of Western Macedonia (TEI of WM)" (10/2010 - 8/2012). Act of the Operational Programme "Education and Lifelong Learning (E.L.L.)i", National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF 2007-2013) that is co-funded by the European Union (European Social Fund-ESF) and by National Resources
  • Erasmus Socrates Responsible Professor in the Industrial Design Engineering Department (9/2002 – 9/2008) – This faculty duty concerns the exchange of students within European Union (EU). It requires to organize the whole process of sending and receiving undergraduate and Master students in the program of studies.
  • Director of Studies in the “Industrial Informatics” Continuing Higher Education Program of TEI of W. Macedonia (May to August of 1999) – Purely administrative duties with the everyday operation of the continuing education program.
  • Member of the “Special Accounts & Research Committee” of the school (3/1999 – 3/2002) – Decisions on undertaking various projects and on research.
  •  Member of the Technical Advisory Board of the school (9/1999 – 9/2002) – Decisions about the built-environment development of the school


Non-Academic Professional Experience

  • Work as a ChE in Industry

         Chemical Engineer, Hellenic Petroleum Company S.A., Greece (10/1995 – 6/’98)

Worked as a Chemical Engineer in the Kalohori Oil Depot of the Hellenic Petroleum Company, where I was responsible for the successful daily operation of the depot. Over there, I was also involved in tracking the evolution of the oil energy sector. 

  •  Researcher in Industry

         Research Scientist, Eastman Kodak Co., USA (9/1992 – 9/1993)

Joined the VCERL (Vacuum Coatings and Electrostatics Research Lab) of the Coatings Technology Department and conducted research in the vacuum deposition/processing of organic materials such as dyes and polymers. Responsible for the development of a vacuum manufacturing process for the production of dye coatings. Contributed to the optimization of the electron-beam polymerization process.




Graduate Work & Military Service

  • Soldier of the VI Infantry Division (Greek Armed Forces – 9/1993 – 2/1995)
  • Graduate Research Fellow, Dept. of Chem. Eng., Univ. of Rochester, Rocheste, NY, USA (9/1987 – 7/1992)

Investigated the particle-size effects of supported-metal catalysts. Employed  physical vapor deposition to alternatively deposit layers of metal (Ni) and support (SiO2) on Si wafers and produced multi- layered structures. Used photolithography and etching and created micron-sized towers from the initial multilayered structures. Designed and constructed a batch external recirculation reactor and studied the hydrogenolysis of ethane and propane and the hydrogenation of ethylene over the model edge surfaces of the micro-towers. Proved that the catalytic size effects are not quantum effects.

  •  Teaching Assistant, Dept. of Chem. Eng., Univ. of Rochester, Rochester, NY, USA   (9/1987 – 5/1990)

      Tutored Graduate and Undergraduate courses

- Graduate: Classical and StatisticalThermodynamics, PhaseTransitions

- Undergraduate: Process Control and Design, Thermodynamics, Junior Chemical Engineering Lab, Computer Lab

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